Drupal architect and lead developer for NZ-Maths website with Drupal 8
Mission and work:
- Setup a users working workflow (dev, design, integrators, testers, pm) with Gitlab
- Setup a smooth CD with Gitlab-ci and Openstack (Catalyst Cloud)
- Build a migration system from Drupal 6 with Migrate API
- Build a simplified multilingual system English / Māori
- Build and integrate a responsive Bootstrap theme
- Project build and management with composer
- Build specific custom modules
- User profile with groups, subscriptions and content aggregation (Flag, Message, EntityAPI)
- User feature to create a plan (content aggregation), share and download related support files
- Login and authenticate with a third party website
- Build a search system as a resource finder
- Setup a CI pipeline with QA in Gitlab CI, leveraging Code sniffer, Stylelint, Eslint