Drupal 7 uses PhpTemplate as theme engine. The system is simple, each module implements its theme functions ( HOOK_theme) to generate a markup, in most cases HTML, in a direct way or using a template file ( XXXXX.tpl.php). The function of the theme also permits to the module to set variables which, after processing will be used in HTML display. These are 2 options for this theme function Either...
drupal 7
By Jean, 14 August, 2014

In a previous article I wrote a small review of Drush and useful commands, this article is going a little farther configuring Drush on your *nix system. Manual Drush installation There is probably a drush package on your system, but if you want to use the last version, you need to make the (semi) manual installation. Drush has migrate from Pear to Composer system, and now there is a phar script...
By Jean, 19 February, 2014

Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. This tool will help you quite a lot when building a Drupal website, saving a lot of time with repetitives or time consuming tasks. If you don't like command line, you can forget Drush... The main interest will be the time consuming compared to the graphical environment of your site. The gain is not phenomenal but during...